Rogan painting paste Making

How to make Rogan paste for Rogan painting

The first step- The Rogan painting process is boiling linseed oil for 4 to 5 hours (You can use oil like castor oil, linseed oil, walnut oil and poppy seed oil). After boiling, it becomes thick like jelly. Rogan painting paste making process is time consuming.

boiling oil
boiling oil

Mixing colour process

mixing colour with Rogan art paste
mixing colour with Rogan art paste

The second step- Preparing the paste for painting. Thick oil paste is mixed with chalk powder (calcium carbonate) and pigment. The mixing process is, beating by stone on hard surface. After that, Rogan paste is put in the water (Put it in water to keep it wet. It is usable only 3 to 4 days, as the wetness gets lost after 3 to 4 days). Now the is ready for paint.

Main 5 colour

rogan art colour paste
rogan art colour paste

Basic ingredients for Rogan painting paste is Drying oil and chalk. drying oil and chalk for white colour. drying oil and chalk and use colour pigment like yellow, orange, blue and green. Rogan painting doing with only 5 colour, like white, green, orange, yellow and blue.

How to start Rogan painting

rogan painting
rogan painting

The third step- Cut the fabric by size and fold it from middle, and press it by hand. Start painting on one side of the fabric. Put the fabric on the stand (wood or metal). 4th step- Put Rogan paste on your palm and rub with iron rod (stylus) for 1 to 2 minutes to make it soft. In Rogan painting, elaborate designs are produced freehand by getting paste into thread like shape. Start painting with the iron rod by one hand, and the second hand under the fabric. Fold the fabric from middle when one half of the design is painted, and gently press the folded fabric for about 2 to 3 minutes. Now unfold the fabric, copying a mirror image to the other half of the fabric (like a freehand technique). After that, put the fabric in direct sun light for 24 hours, so the painting is dried.

Décor ready Rogan painting

Rogan painting décor with dots and lines
Rogan painting décor with dots and lines

5th-step- Once, the painting is dried for 24 hours, decorate with lines and dots by a small iron rod.

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